Webcam Zone Trigger Pro v2.0 英文正式版(利用攝像頭進行視頻監控,並實時做出反應的軟體) 破解說明:
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Webcam Zone Trigger是一款利用攝像頭進行視頻監控,並實時做出反應的軟體。用戶可以在
攝像頭的監視範圍內任意設置一個或多個區域 ,當區域內的圖像變化時,就會觸發用戶預先
設定動作,如拍照、播放音頻文件、發送電子郵件等。 英文說明:
It is a security-oriented motion detection software. Zone
Trigger sets itself appart from other motion detection
systems because it uses Hot Spots to detect movement in
specific zones of the image instead of looking for any
movement, anywhere. A Hot Spot is an area that you define
in the image. It is triggered by movement, and when
triggered, it performs the action that you assigned it to
do. There can be many Hot Spots monitoring an image at
the same time, and each one is independent from other Hot
Spots. Every Hot Spot may have a customized size and
sensitivity. 相關商品: